Home Safety
Young children spend the majority of their time at home and can be exposed to a variety of "hidden" injury dangers. Learn how to take steps to prevent these injuries and keep your home safe for the young children who will live there and visit.
Home Safety
Young children spend the majority of their time at home and can be exposed to a variety of "hidden" injury dangers. Learn how to take steps to prevent these injuries and keep your home safe for the young children who will live there and visit.
Burns & Scalds
When we think about burn-related injuries, we often think about house fires. But did you know that many burns, especially those to children, do not involve fire at all? Burns can also be caused by contact with hot liquids or steam (these burns are called scalds), or by contact with hot objects, electricity, or chemicals.
Button Batteries
In today’s technology-driven world, coin-sized button batteries are everywhere. When a button battery is swallowed, it can cause serious, even fatal internal injury in less than two hours.
Choking PRevention
Choking is a year-round hazard among children and a leading cause of injury and death, especially among children 3 years of age or younger.
Cooking Safety
Cooking is a common cause of injury in the home and the leading cause of home fires. Stoves, ovens, toaster ovens, and microwaves can all be sources of kitchen fires. When cooking in the kitchen, parents need to know how to prevent fires and what to do if a fire starts.
Crib Safety
Parents and caregivers rely on cribs to protect children while they sleep. However, more than 9,500 injuries and over 100 deaths related to cribs, playpens, and bassinets are seen in U.S. emergency departments each year.
Every year in the United States, more than 1,000 children die from drowning, and many more suffer life-changing injuries. Drowning can occur very quickly, silently, and in just inches of water.
Most parents do not think of furniture and TVs as dangerous. However, when these items tip-over, serious injury can and does occur.
Halloween is a time for fun for all ages. However, parents, children, and community members must remember safety on this day filled with fantasy.
Help keep your family healthy during the holidays by following a few safety tips.
Lawn mowers can be very dangerous, and thousands of children suffer severe injuries from lawn mowers every year.
Because newborns will spend most of their time sleeping, parents need to make sure the nursery is a safe place.
Poisons can be found in many places in the home. In the U.S., more than half of all exposures to poison occur to children younger than 6 years of age.
Swimming is a great way to cool off during the hot summer. However, more than 1,000 children die each year in the U.S. from drowning, and many others suffer life-changing injuries.
Portable pools, which include wading pools, inflatable pools, and soft-sided, self-rising pools, can be a low-cost and easy-to-set-up alternative to expensive in-ground pools and waterpark visits. Yet many parents underestimate the potential dangers associated with these products.
Prescription drug-related poisonings now lead to more deaths and emergency department visits than illegal drugs.
Preventing Falls AT HOME
In the U.S., falls are the most common cause of childhood injury in the home, leading to more than 1.3 million visits to the emergency department each year. Falls can occur anywhere in the home, especially in areas with cluttered floors, low lighting, or slippery surfaces.
Stairs are a common source of injury among children. In fact, on average, every 6 minutes, a child younger than 5 years is treated for a stair-related injury in a U.S. emergency department.
Before leaving your child home alone, make sure he is ready, prepare him for what to expect, and set rules to keep him safe.
Each year over 170,000 children are treated in hospital emergency departments for injuries related to toys. Many of the injuries are caused by young children choking on small parts or swallowing harmful pieces.