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Drowning Prevention at Home

Anywhere there is water, there is the danger of a child drowning. Drowning can occur very quickly, silently, and in just inches of water.

Drowning Prevention at Home

Every year in the United States, more than 1,000 children die from drowning, and many more suffer life-changing injuries. Anywhere there is water, there is the danger of a child drowning. Drowning can occur very quickly, silently, and in just inches of water. Parents and caregivers need to be aware of drowning dangers and take steps to prevent it.


  • Young children can drown in bathtubs, toilets, sinks, buckets, coolers or any place in the house where water can collect.
  • Most drownings in the home happen in the bathroom. Parents with young kids should always keep the bathroom door shut. Placing a safety cover over the door knob will help prevent kids from opening the door.
  • An adult, not an older sibling, must watch infants and young children in the bathtub at all times. Children can drown in the time it takes to answer the phone.
  • Some parents think that using a baby bath seat will keep their child safe, but baby bath seats do NOT prevent drowning.
  • Parents should remember to always keep the lid of the toilet down. If there are young children in the house, put a toilet lock on the lid.
  • Always remember to drain the bathtub immediately after using it.
  • It is important to learn CPR. When seconds count, knowing CPR can save a life.


  • More than half of pool drownings could be prevented if parents put up a 4-sided fence around the pool. The fence should be at least 4 feet high and have a gate that closes and latches on its own.
  • An adult must always watch children in the pool closely. This means the adult is not reading or talking on the phone.
  • An adult should be within an arm’s reach from infants, toddlers and weak swimmers.
  • Most children are ready for swimming lessons when they are 4 or older. Lessons might be helpful for younger children as well, but not all children will be ready at the same age. Parents should decide when their child is ready.
  • Use a hard cover and a lock on hot tubs when not in use.
  • Drain a wading pool immediately after using it.



Content provided by the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s