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Prevent Child Injury

Prevent Child Injury

Child injury remains the most important public health issue affecting our nation’s youth. In response, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and more than 60 individuals and organizations collaborated to develop a National Action Plan (NAP) for Child Injury Prevention. To provide a structure for action steps to combat the problem of child injury in the U.S., the NAP includes six domains: data and surveillance, research, communication, education and training, health systems and health care, and policy.  

Using the goals and actions outlined in the NAP and with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Child Injury Prevention Alliance (CIPA) launched Prevent Child Injury to promote the coordination of child injury prevention messages among injury professionals and organizations nationally through a collaborative national partnership. By coordinating the content and timing of these messages, their impact will be magnified as audiences hear the same themes from multiple sources at the same time. The project seeks to create a collective voice that is stronger, clearer, reinforcing, and more effective than our individual voices.  

The objectives of the Prevent Child Injury are as follows:

  • Establish a national partnership of stakeholders to collaborate and coordinate in the promotion of child injury prevention messages to the public.
  • Create a bank of child injury prevention messages and educational materials by topics and themes that are relevant to the public and timed to events and seasons throughout the year.
  • Develop a web-based, comprehensive communication toolkit for a selected child injury topic quarterly.
  • Establish a national bureau of professional spokespeople on child injury prevention, who are available to speak to the media and other interested parties.  

CIPA and the CDC invite injury professionals and organizations across the country to participate in Prevent Child Injury to work together to promote and coordinate child injury prevention messaging at the national level. There is no cost to participate.